second visit

  • Report of Findings
    The doctor communicates to you the results of your physical examination, x-rays, heat scan, and leg checks.  The doctor provides her recommended upper cervical care plan based on the findings of her examination, x-rays and objective tests.
  • Adjustments
    The adjustment is conducted on the second day of your visit.
    Exceptions may apply due to the nature of the emergency of your condition or the distance you have to travel to make the appointment.  Patients are adjusted while lying in a side posture position.  The adjusting table is low and has a drop head piece which provides a bio-mechanical advantage for the doctor of chiropractic to make an accurate adjustment.  The unique listing derived from analysis of the x-rays is used by the doctor to perform the specific adjustment.
  • Rest
    After you receive your specific correction, you are required to rest in a quite room.
    Resting after the adjustment allows the vertebrae that has just been set in motion (due to the adjustment) to settle in its proper position.  Resting is one of the key contributing factors to holding your adjustment.  Holding your adjustment is an indication of your healing progression.


  • Post Checks
    After the resting session, the heat scan and leg checks are again conducted to determine how well your body has received the adjustment.
  • Subsequent Visits
    Cervical heat scan and leg checks are conducted to determine if you require an adjustment or not.

causes of misalignment

There are many ways this critical head/neck area can become misaligned; mental stress, emotional stress, chemical stress, environmental stress, physical stress such as a fall, an accident, a bump on the head, bad sleeping habits or poor posture. Misalignment can even occur during the birth process.  Forceps used as a birthing aid, or a simple twist of the head during delivery can bring on misalignment!  Any type of misalignment, regardless of how it occurred, restricts or distorts brain to body messages in this critical area at the top of the neck.  Left unchecked this misalignment can cause pain and symptoms to develop and increase during one's lifetime.

benefits of the removal of subluxations/
misalignments in the cervical spine

Upper Cervical adjustments remove the subluxations in the area of the brain stem and improves the brain-to-body communication.  Because of the improved communication between the brain and the body, pain subsides, eventually goes away and various  conditions respond.  With time and patience, the lasting effect of the removal of the subluxation is that the structure of your entire spine re-aligns and the surrounding tissues are strengthened to support the re-aligned spine.  This improved brain-to-body communication allows the body’s autonomic nervous system to function properly thus allowing your immune system to work at 100%.  The bottom line is that you get the quality of your life back!  Make your appointment today for a complimentary consultation.

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the five phases of Upper Cervical Health Care

Phase One -  Most people experience head/neck misalignment without even knowing it.

This misalignment may cause spinal cord tension at the point where the head and neck join, disrupting and/or distorting brain to body communication that can lead to the development of a number of various health problems.

Reprint with permission from
Daniel O. Clark, D.C.

 Phase Four -  This is the stabilization and healing period where restored brain to body communication provides for healing.

During this phase, due to daily activities, the head and neck may try to slip back out of alignment.

When muscle strength has been restored, realignment usually takes place as long as the brain to body communication is not disrupted.

Reprint with permission from
Daniel O. Clark, D.C.
Phase Two -  When the head and neck have been misaligned for a period of time, neck muscles may have a tendency to pull the correction back to abnormal position, after the doctor's corrective adjustment.

The tendency to pull back to abnormal position after realignment is important to understand - some patients may need several adjustments to achieve a stabilization correction.

Reprint with permission from
Daniel O. Clark, D.C.

Here's What Happens
 When the head (10-14 lbs.) is shifted off the center of the top of the neck, the rest of the body will compensate for the shift of the weight.

The spine and pelvis will twist causing one shoulder to drop down, one hip to be pulled up, bringing the leg with it to create body imbalance.

The stress and tension on the muscles can cause pain anywhere in the body.

Reprint with permission from
Daniel O. Clark, D.C.
Phase Three - As the muscles that support head/neck alignment regain strength, other spinal segments will start to pull themselves back into normal position.

Sometimes this may take a while and therefore temporary pain and discomfort may appear, only to subside as the segments return to their normal position.

Reprint with permission from
Daniel O. Clark, D.C.

 Phase Five -  Periodic checkups will help maintain head/neck alignment.

With optimal brain to body communication the body's natural self-healing process helps retain good health and promotes a better quality of life.


Reprint with permission from
Daniel O. Clark, D.C.